A downloadable asset pack

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Hey , here's classroom asset pack, chairs, tables, shelfs, chalks... everything is here.

MODEL showcase 

walls, floors, window, door

Walls Window Door by stylo0 on Sketchfab

Classroom demo scene

Classroom by stylo0 on Sketchfab

Computer room

Computer Classroom by stylo0 on Sketchfab


Cafeteria by stylo0 on Sketchfab

Principlal's office

Office by stylo0 on Sketchfab

chemistry lab classroom demo scene

Chemestry lab Classroom by stylo0 on Sketchfab

toilet demo scene

Toilet room by stylo0 on Sketchfab

art room demo scene 

Art room by stylo0 on Sketchfab

This asset contains :
  • blackboardbig
  • blackboardlittle 
  •  books 
  •  chair 
  •  chalks 
  •  chalkboard_sponge 
  •  curtains 
  •  desk 
  •  lamp 
  •  postits 
  •  radio 
  •  shelfs 
  •  shelfwithwheels
  • table 
  •  TV 
  •  watch
5 ratings update:10 ratings update :15 ratings update :20 ratings update :
- chairtable
- compass
- lockers
- markers
- pens
- pen4colors
- pencils
- pencilcase
- scissors
- TV New
- atoms
- barrel
- centrifuge
- chairwithwheels
- cork
- cupboard
- fireextinguisher
- globe
- labdemoscene
- microscope
- solarsystem
- new table
- differents types of vials
- vialholder
- school bus - chair
- keyboard
- mouse
- new pc
- old pc
- printer
- projector
- router
- new monitor
- old monitor
- table
- different usb keys
-computer room demo scene
30 ratings update:40 ratings update:
50 ratings update:94 ratings update:
- chairs  
- demoscene
- desk 
- drawer 
- notebook 
- penholder
- picture board 
- plant
- principal's chair
- shelf 
- telephone 
- wallsfloor
- basictoilet
- door
- paper
- paperhandler
- partitions
- pipeforsink
- pipteforurinal
- poop
- sink
- soaps
- soapdish
- urinal toilet 
- wallsfloor
- waterpump
- demoscene
- cakes
- caketray
- cans
- carrot
- chairs
- coffemaker
- onion
- potato
-  showcasetable 
- showcasewood
- springonion
- table 
- tomato
- traycafet
- vendingmachine
- cafeteria demo scene
- bonus: pingpongtable
-- for more stufs like plates or ustensils or kitchen stuff: HERE
+100ratings Last update

btw you can find the 2d version of the asset herehttps://styloo.itch.io/2dclassroom

⚠IMPORTANT: Your support is invaluable for future projects! A small donation, follow, or rating would mean a lot.

All files are in FBX and GLTF formats, contains every room with individuals and demo scene.demo scene have a single transform point for all objects , you should use individuals files for individual transform point

Have fun ;)


There will have maybe more additions so stay tune and follow me on itch and on socials.




If you want your game to be showcased here, feel free to reach out on Discord!

Support or questions in discord 


Other asset packs i made

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(124 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Tags3D, Backgrounds, Godot, high-school, Low-poly, school, Textures, Unity, Unreal Engine
Asset licenseCreative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

wallsfloordoorByStylooGltfFbx.zip 32 MB
ArtRoomFBXANDGLTF.zip 1.8 MB
StylooClassroomAssetPack GLTF & FBX(no walls).zip 49 MB
blendfile(no walls).rar 19 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more
wallsfloordoorBLENDFILE.rar 11 MB
if you pay $3 USD or more

Development log

View all posts


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you don't know how this will help me so much i need to make a game for my school project. this is exactly what im looking for thank you very much man your a true life saver

Good luck for your project ! :)


The pack is amazing! It's a style I'm was looking for

thanks, hope it helps, I will Add floor wall and window soon :)


Hi, Styloo

Recently, we launched a crowdfunding campaign for the World Community Game project on Kickstarter! If this project is successful, we plan to give back by redistributing the usage fees for the creations!


yes i saw it , that's great , hope it reach the goal !!

Thank you very much! I will do my best!


Hi Styloo, 

I created a game using 3D models available on itch.io.

Detailed information about the game I created is published in a blog article.


Please note that the article is in Japanese.

If you do not understand Japanese, kindly use translation software to read it.

If you would like to play the game yourself, we can send you the download URL for the game files. Please let us know, and we'll be happy to provide it.







*Currently, the output is only compatible with game apps for windows, so the playing environment is limited to windows.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude for allowing me to use these wonderful sound resources. Thank you very much.

Hello Yuss, this is amazing!!! thank you for using my assets,
yes i have translated your article , that's a lot of work btw, well done 
if you want you can send me the link of your game , would be very happy to play it :)

btw your discord link don't work , you may be need to use the "Invite" link(and it's the same for the discord link on your twitter bio)
Again thank you so much for using my assets :) 

Thank you for the response and follow-up! I've sent the download link via X!

Also, thank you for reporting the issue with the Discord link. 

It seems I was directly pasting the URL from the address bar. 

This link should work fine!!



how i can extract the Materials on ue5 ?

(3 edits)

did you import fbx or glb file ? 
 i recommend using glb files since gltf can be imported easily on unreal 

go to your plugins , and enable GLTF IMPORTER , should be in built plugin :)

edit: no need no enable anything  it's already enabled , just drag in it :)

also I recommend to enable the combine static mesh when importing for some objects like for example the keyboard which have parented objects in it , but since unreal don't parent them automaticaly u will to parent it manualy, so if you enable combine static mesh it will merge it to one object, i don't know if there's a option to importing with the childs objects, if you know something guys pls tell me hahhaahhahha 


Thanks it worked

happy it worked, I hope my assets helps you :) good luck for your projects 

Deleted 22 days ago

I hope it helps a lot of "students" haha, thanks for your kin,d comment :) 


For anyone using unity and watching models without textures:

  1. In the project assets, select the FBX.
  2. Go to inspector and click on the Materials tab.
  3. Now click on the button Extract Materials...

Et Voilà, now you can see the texture.

The assets are just GOD. Totally worth to buy them.

this one is free tho but you get the blend files if you pay a buck :) thanks for your contribution , thanks for your comment really apreciated :) hope it will helps you for your games :)

btw more assets there


(1 edit)

hi styloo~ I paid $2  this class room asset.

all object is white color and UV Layout is none.

How could I see original color?

I use unity and your all asset is very good qualtilty.

Edit) Oh my mistake. I solved color problem. now no problem.
       thanks. have a nice day!

oh ok haha , happy you figure it out :) thanks for the donation really apreciated

Hey, can you please tell me how did you solve the color problem?

here's a tutorial to extract textures and material

Finally the cafeteria is here!!


yep finally haha

did you remove the library?

(1 edit)

yep, i tried to do it but there was any models to do it's only some shelfs with books witch i already added in the first upload so yeah removed it

edit: oh and btw if you have anything you want, you can tell me and maybe I will try do it


Thanks for the reply

your assets are all awesome!!


happy you like it and thanks for your kind comment ;)

i cant seem to use these assets i drag them into unity but they dont have anything there invisible 

try to double click on the object to see 


Go with ratingsss


high quality assets so they deserve the ratings. I will be waiting for the time when it reaches 50 ratings before I download anything because it surely will get there soon.

(1 edit)

hey, thanks mate :) hope It will get 70 ratings soon haha


are you able to provide this is glTF format?

yep, i think yes will upload it in few minutes



(1 edit) (+1)

Ok Fine!

This morning I was searching for a Classroom Pack for a small animation.. found nothing but paid assets

Just saw your message on Brackeys Discord...

I will use this for my next project.. and for the Chemistry Lab.. go ahead. We will surely need it in our next project!


EDIT: Will rate after trying out soon!

hey , thanks  , if you need something else tell me maybe i will add it, have a nice day dude